Rinse. Repeat. And I still feel dirty.

Last year, in response to the horrific Steubenville, Ohio, rape tragedy, I wrote an emotional and reactionary post about what it feels like to grow up as an ordinary woman in this world. Ordinary women's everyday experiences would blow most men's minds. If you have ever thought you might understand what it means to be a woman on an average day in America, take a few minutes and peruse the #YesAllWomen hashtag on Twitter. I'll wait... So today, as I reread those raw, unedited remarks from last year, I'm struck by how common and unremarkable my own experiences are.

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The Problem

"Conquerors of the useless - that's what we were. You learn that what's important is how you got there, not what you've accomplished." Today, I'm inspired by Yvon Chouinard. Yes, he's a businessman, but he is also an environmentalist, and philanthropist, a climber, surfer, and explorer (even in his 70's), and generally a no-bullshit kind of guy.

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The Dark Side of the Brain

“Brain Damage” is a track from English rock band Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon. I know this because I once lived in a college dorm room and I believe it's a requirement for residency that you hear the album at least 500 times before graduating. Five hundred is probably a low estimate. In my case, those words are also a way for me to joke about my deficiencies while still relaying the fact that I am, occasionally, off my game. If you are exhausted of hearing about how fucked up I feel, you can stop reading now. I totally get it.

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