Fear and Loathing and Triggering on the Campaign Trail

Last week, I met a couple of colleagues for after-work drinks. We – three women – sat at the bar of an upscale restaurant frequented by older couples and middle-aged white businessmen. We laughed and talked and joked about whether this restaurant was the right place for one of our single friends to find a nice guy to ask her on a date. We drank wine and enjoyed the mild breeze through the window, and didn’t even notice as an older “gentleman” took a seat next to our group. This man somehow started a conversation about the election with my friend sitting next to him. It was immediately evident that this man was a supporter of Donald Trump and when my friend proudly proclaimed she’d be voting for Hillary, the man jokingly invited her to meet him in the alley outside to settle the discussion. He smiled, chewing on his $70 steak and sipping his $30 whiskey, and said, “You’re not scared, right? Because you’re a strong woman.” And he turned back to his meal.

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